So, what is a trash can without a lid? In real life, it can be a mess. There are 2 ways to make the lid: the hard way or the easy way. I decided to do the hard way
So here are the supplies you will need to make a lid.
18-20 strips of quilling paper 1/8" wide
1 strip quilling paper 1/8" wide in a contrasting colorslotted quilling tool
industrial staple -like you used for the trash can handles
white glue
Superglue (sorry, it missed the photo)
toothpick-for gluing
spray paint- the same as used for the can
But before we begin, a little about quilling paper and the slotted tool. Many, many miniaturist have been using quilling paper for a number of years to make much more than flowers. Pot and pans, baskets, hanging baskets, pot holders, purses and even...sushi! So, if you have never experimented with quilling paper, give it a try. You can probably get most of what you need for under $10.00 and a pack of quilling paper goes a long way.
OK. We will be making a very large coil using 18-20 strips of paper, depending on how tight the tension is. To begin, separate your strips of paper, making sure you tear the strips away from the rest of the pack because you don't want that rubbery connecting stuff to be part of you lid. Insert your first strip into the slotted tool and start your coil using a firm tension. When done with the first strip, glue the end and start another strip by "butting" it up to the end of the first strip. Do not overlap the strips as this will cause an unwanted bulge. After 4 or 5 strips, stop. With a firm grip on the coil ( you don't want it to uncoil on you), gently remove it from the slotted tool. I do this because I find it hard to control the coil any larger while still using the tool. Finish the rest by hand while maintaining a firm tension. When you get to the 18th strip or so, stop and glue that end. Lay your coil on a hard surface and with the palm of your hand, press down on the coil to make sure everything is flush. Take your trash can and turn it upside down on the coil, making sure it is centered. You want to be sure that the coil is about 1/8" larger than the trash can diameter, all the way around. You may need to add another strip or two.
So now the coil is done. You will now need to apply a thin layer of glue on the entire lid. Let dry completely. At this point you will notice a whole in the middle of the lid. We'll fix that by making a plug.
Take a 1/8" piece of quilling paper and put it in the palm of your hand. Add 2-3drops of water and using your finger, start working it into ball. Then push the ball into the center of the coil.
Now,place the staple in the center of the coil and push it down about half way. Secure using superglue.
For the lip of the lid, take the contrasting quilling paper and attach it to your coil, about half way down the width of your last piece. Kind of off-setting it. Go around the outside of your coil about 3 times, gluing as you go. Once dry. you can spray paint. Now. we're done.
Kind of a long tut for a trash can lid, so here is the easy way.
Cut a circle 1/4" wider than the diameter of you trash. out of cardboard. Glue staple to center of lid. Take a narrow strip of paper and glue around the edge of circle several time. Let dry and paint.
The reason I gave the hard directions is to give first time users a few tips on using quilling paper. You now know how to make a plug, what a slotted tool is and the characteristic of quilling paper. I will be having a few more tutorials using coils later on this fall. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment.

Til Later!