Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Like a lot of people, I'm asking myself, "where did the summer go?"  It's hard to imagine but some schools in our area start up again in two weeks.  Since my last post, we did take a month long vacation and visited with family and friends and had a great time.  When we got back, I was still in vacation mode so didn't make any minis until 2 weeks ago.

One of the first things I did was to buy a bunch of furniture my husband found for me at the Dollar Tree.  House of Miniature quality it is not but the scale is fine and the wood isn't bad either.  The down size is the gluing.  All over the place.  It's a good thing I wasn't going to stain anything.  

The style I'm going for is basic county with a distressed look.  I ended up buying 14 pieces, mainly of the two styles of tables.These will help a lot as far as displays in the candy shop go and should work out just fine.

The next mini I made were chocolate roses. I did have to practice because they weren't anywhere near the same size.  

Once I got the size right, I made this:

Except for a few more jars of candy, that's about it.  Not much, I'm afraid.

I'll be putting the candy shop on hold for a while.  I don't want to do much more until I finish up the floor plans for the shop. A friend of mine is a woodworker and has generously offered to cut them out! Thought that was very nice of him.

So now it's back to the Mariner shop.  Hopefully, I'll have a lot more to show.

Til next time!

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